Decisions. Decisions. Decisions!

"Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. 
Establish your priorities and go to work."
- H.L. Hunt
(1889-1974) American Businessman

I think that we make more decisions in life than anything else we do.  We get up in the morning and decide what to wear, what to eat for breakfast and what way to travel to work.  We make decisions all day on what we will do, how we will act and what we will achieve.  So with all this decision making going on, why is it that so many people have a hard time making the decision of how they will live their life?

                Your life, your dreams, your achievements are all your decisions.  No one can take them from you or make them for you.  This is a great freedom to know that you can achieve your dreams if you choose to do so.  Here are a couple of facts about decision making: The best decisions are made quickly and changed slowly.  Bad decisions are made slowly and changed quickly.  Also, decisions only have to be made once, from that point on you only manage the decisions you made not re-make them.

                Now, let's look at four decisions you can make right now that will start you on the road of achieving your greatest dreams.

Decision #1.  Decide what exactly you want
                Many people have trouble achieving a goal because they do not know exactly what they want to get.  Take the time to think though just exactly what it is you want to achieve.  Write this down!  Do not try to keep it in your head.  Write it in detail so you can look at it often and see just what it is you have decided to achieve.

Decision #2.  Decide why you want it
                When many people start to define their dreams, their first question is "how" do they do it.  The more important question needs to be "why" you want to do it.  It is understanding why that give us power and motivates us to move forward.  If you have a strong enough "why" the "how" will come to you.

Decision #3.  Decide what you will give in exchange for this dream
                Nothing is for free.  It will cost you something to achieve the dreams you desire.  It will take time, hard work, not being able to do some of the things you did before.  Are you willing to make the sacrifices that your dream will require to achieve it?  Decide now if you will pay the price or just don't bother even trying.

Decision #4.  Decide to do it now
                Nothing happens without action.  If you have decided exactly what it is in life you want, know why you want it and are willing to pay the price for it, go for it.  Here is an important rule to follow: Never go for more than 24 hours after setting a goal without taking some kind of action.  Do something that will start you on the road to achievement, right now.  Of all the decisions, this is the one most people fail at and why they do not achieve their goals.  Take action right now and keep taking action till the dream is reality.

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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