Common Sense Fashion

When my grandkids come over they always love to play dress up.  We have several old costumes we got on sale that we keep in a cabinet for them.  My wife has kept old jewelry and trinkets that they love to put on.  Once all dressed up, they pretend to be the people (or animals) they look like.  It is great fun for kids.  Grown-ups like to pretend they are people they aren't as well.  At those times, it is not so much fun, for them or the people they are trying to deceive.

                We have all met these people.  They are the ones who pretend they are something they are not, smarter than they are and more impressive than they need to be.  You can ask them a simple question and you get a long-involved answer.  I have a friend who after encountering a person like this, he said, "If you ask him for the time he will tell you how to build a watch." 

                I think that this is most apparent among those who tend to lack what can be called, common sense.  They are so concerned with impressing those around them that they complicate theirs and everyone else's life.  There is no real reason other than they want to feel important.  Too often, nothing gets done and no one is any wiser than before they came into the picture.

                So, how do the success-minded keep from becoming such a person?  Oh yes, we can all be in danger of being the bore of the party.  We all long for the feeling of importance and significance.    The key finding that significance is to use that all-powerful weapon that we all possess - common sense.

"Common sense is genius dressed up in work clothes."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
American Philosopher/Writer

                Nothing can make people stand up and take notice better than the person who can give simple common sense answers to everyday questions.  It is not hard to do.  Common sense is an example of good character and being a person of integrity.  It comes from looking at life with the proper priorities, truth, right, and good.

The Truth
                Truth never needs explaining.  Truth is truth and it is never shaded gray, or compromised.  Many today think that truth is up to the person thinking about it.  That kind of thinking is a lie and away from the truth.  When a person knows, accepts and speaks the truth, they will always be respected and listened to by those who seek the truth.  Truth is simple and never, never changes.

The Right
                Everyone and I mean everyone, knows right from wrong.  Fools will try to explain away the right or declare that wrong is right, however, we all know the difference.  The simple fact of common sense is the act of doing what is right.  That is all there is to it.  Success-minded people know that wrong is never right and that by doing right we never fear the consequence of the wrong.

The Good
                Here is one of the most dangerous mistakes in our society.  We have chosen not to recognize evil for what it is.  There is good and there is evil in this world.  There are also good people and evil people.  Don't buy into this thinking that all of us are basically good.  Look around and see that it is evil everywhere.  The best defiance against evil is to first recognize it.  The greatest victory over evil is to do good.  Again, it is that simple.            

You can learn more about Personal Development from author and speaker, John Patrick Hickey.  To get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at Be sure to sign up for free membership and get even more tools to help you achieve your dreams.  

© 2019 John Patrick Hickey. No part of this may be reprinted or published without the permission of the author.


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