The Coach

Over the last few years, we have heard more and more about “personal” coaches.  Some coaches deal with your finances, some with marriages and still some with families.  Coaches can help people find jobs, create jobs, or do their job better.  Coaches can help you in just about every area of life.  But when it comes down to it, do you need a coach?

                The quick answer is, not always.  It is easy for some people to hand their problems and decisions in life off to others, even pay them for answers.  The purpose of a real coach is not to give you answers, but to help YOU find answers yourself.  They are there to guide and direct, which sometimes is the job of good old common sense.

                For many, you can get good solid coaching from a trusted friend or leader. Look for people who have traveled the road you are on and see how they handled things. Our business, church, or even our family may have older – and yes, wiser – people who can give you that bit of advice that will help clear your thinking.

"We could all use a little coaching.  When you’re playing the game, it’s hard to think of everything."
- Jim Rohn

                However, for those success-minded people who are actively pursuing your goals in life, a coach may be just the thing you need.  It is funny how people who don’t need a coach tend to want one, and people who could greatly benefit from the help of a coach do not get one. 

                When you are actively pursuing something that takes thought, decisions, and guidance, this is the time to get a coach.  A good coach will help you to think about all those things that you may not get to on your own.  As Jim Rohn said, “When you’re playing the game, it’s hard to think of everything.”  We all need some help from time to time.  That is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of wisdom.

                When you are looking for a coach, do your homework.  Find a good coach who knows what they are doing and have had some solid training.  I suggest that you contact Daryl and Janet Daughtry with the Biblical Coaching Alliance.  They train and know hundreds of,, qualified coaches that can give you just the help you need. 

                I would never suggest that you run off and get a coach when you have to make some basic decisions and see things through.  But if you are actively on the journey to achievement and need a bit of help to move forward, then a coach is the best thing you can do for yourself.

You can learn more about Personal Development from author and speaker, John Patrick Hickey.  To get his books, training, and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at   
© 2019 John Patrick Hickey. No part of this may be reprinted or published without the permission of the author.


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