Keeping It Going

"A fellow doesn't last long on what he has done.  He has to keep on delivering."
- Carl Hubbell
(1903-1988) American Baseball Player

Success has a great and powerful enemy.  It is not fear that robs you of the ability to pursue your dream.  It is not lack of skill or education, or money, or help from other.  No, the real enemy of success is much harder to fight than all those road blocks.  The true enemy of success is success itself.

                How can that be?  After working so hard and for so long, to finally succeed, to achieve a goal, how can this be the enemy of the very thing you worked for?  Simple, success, once achieved, can cause us to stop.  So many people have achieve a goal only to stop and never work at it again.  They feel that they did what they wanted to and now they can rest and stop working so hard.  This is a great and terrible mistake.

                It is wonderful to achieve a goal.  After all, it is what we have been work at all along.  However, success is never an end product.  Success-minded people know that to "be" successful you must keep on achieving goals and always be moving forward.  Let's look at the best way to keep success from becoming the enemy of success.

Goals Are Stepping Stones
                When we talk of goals we really are looking at two different kinds of goals.  First you have the time sensitive goals that you set during the year.  These are the things you wish to accomplish within a certain time frame.  Second there is your life goal.  This is your purpose, your dream.  This goal ends when you do.  All other goals should be moving you to this point.  It is the reason we are here and we will always be fulfilling this goal.

Celebrate And Move On
                Once a goal is achieved there is a tendency to stop what we are doing and rest a while.  This can be very dangerous.  Once we stop achieving it is harder to start back up again.  When a goal is achieved, celebrate, be happy and enjoy the moment.  The thing is to keep it a moment.  The best way to celebrate the achievement of a goal is to take it off your goals list and replace it with a bigger and better goal.

Keep Moving
                Once you have replaced your goal with a bigger and better one, get started right away achieving that new goal.  Do something within the first twenty-four hours that will get things going.  If you look at the lives of highly successful people you will find that they always have something more to achieve.  Each time they move closer to their life goal, but there is always something more.

                Never allow your success to become your stopping point.  Remember, you are just getting started and there is so much more you can achieve.  Make it all count.  Be excellent!

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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