The Four Rewards of Work

"To find joy in work is to discover the fountain of youth."
- Pearl S. Buck
(1892-1973) Author

There are many strange and incorrect myths people have about work and the people who do and do not partake in it.  One such myth is that wealthy or successful people do not have to work.  They like to sleep in till noon and just spend their time sitting around by the pool or are off playing somewhere.  Another myth is that the poor are hard working slaves who toil day and night and get nothing in return.  For many, when you say lazy they think wealth and work they think poor.

                Here is the reality of life.  Successful people are hard working.  They know that to succeed takes hard work and there is no time to sit around.  They have goals and dreams to achieve so they do what is needed to make life work.  Many poor do not work at all.  Some who have become so dependent on entitlements that they really believe it is unreasonable for others to expect them to work.  Life should be given to them and they spend most of their time thinking of schemes and deals to get rich without the work that goes with it.

                Now I know that this is not true of all wealthy people and all poor people.  However, it is true of all successful people and all unsuccessful people.  Work is not a bad thing, a punishment or something that we do all we can to avoid.  There is no success without hard work.  Not only financial success, but also success in life.  Work is not just a way to earn money, it is how we find all the rewards that life has for us.  I want to focus on just four of these rewards.

Reward #1:  Hard Work Builds Character
                Our character defines who we are.  It is honesty, integrity, dependability, loyalty and attitude.  The lack of character is reveled in dishonesty, laziness, destructive behavior, abuse and moral decline.  For the success-minded person who works hard and has a definite goal in life that they are pursuing, good solid character is a must.  They have found that when we are willing to do the hard work in life, to be dependable and always be our best, we will enjoy all the rewards that hard work brings.  Some of those rewards include a clear conscience, security and the freedom of having nothing to hide or be ashamed of.

Reward #2:  Hard Work Develops Confidence
                Success-minded people know that when they believe that they are willing to do any work to move them forward, they also believe they can do any work.  To the person who has a solid work ethic and does not run from the challenge of the difficult job, anything is possible.  Hard work may be stressful at the time, however, when completed and you see that you faced the giant and won the battle, you have a sense of confidence in yourself that you cannot get otherwise.  You know that no matter how hard the work may be, you can, will and do get it done.

Reward #3:  Hard Work Gives Life Meaning
                One of the battles so many people face is that they have done so little for so long that they really believe they have no purpose, and ever worse, they don't care.  When we work hard to achieve our goals we know that they have meaning.  We are not just an ordinary person doing ordinary things, we become ordinary people doing extraordinary things.  Success-minded people believe they are here for a purpose, and that purpose is good and right.  When they give their time and energy to hard work, they know - not think or hope - they know, they are making a difference in the word.

Reward #4:  Hard Work Brings Success
                To the person who is willing to work hard and to do what is necessary for as long as necessary, there is no failure.  Success comes to those who earn it.  I does not happen by chance or luck.  Success will not just knock at your door and say, "Here I am!"  If you want to achieve greatness you must work for it.  If you work for it, you will achieve it.  Always remember the words of the legendary coach, Vince Lombardi, "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary."

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2015 John Patrick Hickey


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