How To Stay In Control

"Goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor."
- Brian Tracy

Success-minded people face a curious problem as they begin to move forward in achieving their goals.  They begin by deciding their destination and taking action to start their journey.  Success-minded people know that they need to control their habits, actions and decisions.  We seek control, pray for control and take control only to discover that we are now out of control. 

                The fact is, you really are not out of control, and you have just triggered the process of achievement.  One of the realities of success that many get confused is that of natural increase.  People tend to think that the laws of nature and success are stacked against them.  They have to fight and struggle every inch of the way.  The fact is, the laws of nature and success are stacked for you.  Once you get on track, they will rush you toward success faster than you ever imagined.

                Allow me to touch on these principles and show you how they are all working toward your success, not against it.

The Laws Of Success:
                Just as there are natural laws and spiritual laws, there are also laws of success.  These laws are definite and do not change.  They have always been and always will be.  Everyone who has ever achieved any success have done so within these laws; whether they accept these laws or not.  It is like gravity.  You can say you do not believe in gravity and that you are not bound by gravity because you refuse to recognize it.  However, if you jump off the roof, you will hit the ground – every time!

                The laws of success are things like setting written goals and plans of action.  Taking action continually and never giving up.  When we know what we want, how we will get it and are willing to do what we must and work hard, we cannot fail.  This is what makes us determined to achieve our goals and allows us to never give up.  As the great Babe Ruth said, “You cannot beat a man who will never give up.”

The Law Of Cause And Effect:
                It is a fact, not a theory, that when you take certain actions you will get certain results.  This is true when you begin to achieve your goals.  Taking decisive action will cause the very results you seek.  If you take action to better your education by enrolling in classes, the result will not be an improvement in woodworking skills (unless the class is in woodworking). 

                Decisive action is directed at something you wish to achieve.  It is not just motion.  Motion is not action.  Many people run around crazy and think that they are taking action, only to find in the end they have not achieved a thing.  You must know what you want and move in that direction.

You Were Created For This
                One of the great spiritual laws is that we are all created for a purpose.  No one is here who does not have a purpose.  Does that mean that we all are living the life we were created to live.  Far from it.  Most people live out their lives with their dreams trapped inside of them.  They have no fulfillment and no satisfaction at the end of their days.  That is not how you were created to live.

                We must all find our purpose and live in that purpose above all things.  How do you find your purpose?  Discover your dream.  Your dream is the thing you have always wanted to do and it has never left your thoughts.  Some think that our purpose will be something we don’t want to do.  It is what you were created to do.  There is nothing that will make you happier, give you greater fulfillment than living out your purpose.

                So when you feel out of control, remember that you are just moving along in the current of success.  The faster you go the more you are achieving.  It is as race car champion, Mario Andretti said, “If you have everything under control, you’re not moving fast enough.”

To discover how you can achieve the dream you have believed was impossible for too long, read On The Journey To Achievement by John Patrick Hickey.  You can get a signed copy for yourself and get one for a friend, by going to

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2015 John Patrick Hickey


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