Personal Development and Improvement
The whole point of personal development is that we
improve. It is all about becoming better: better at what we do, our
relationships and who we are as people. Another way to see personal development
is to call it personal improvement.
Abraham Lincoln said, “I do not think much of a man who is
not wiser today than he was yesterday.” If you look at your life and see that you
are the same as you were yesterday and the day before that, then you are in trouble. Each day, we have to be learning and
growing; with learning and growth comes improvement. Without it comes
stagnation and, if you have ever seen stagnate water, you know it is not a
pretty sight. Stagnate people, like stagnate water, are ugly, smell bad and are
toxic. No one enjoys being around stagnate people.
Success-minded people keep the stream flowing in their
lives. By learning from every experience and person they meet, by reading and feeding
their minds with good nourishing information, and through the help of others,
the waters of their life are fresh and clean. They have all they need to
improve and grow into the very best they can be. So, how can other people help
us improve? There are three things
that can benefit us by being around other people. This is especially
true with those who are more successful than we are. These three are education,
inspiration and measurement. Success-minded people will gain more education
from the lives of the successful than they will ever find in a book or class.
No matter what your learning style, when you learn from others you are seeing
life first hand. You not only learn from their success and how it is achieved,
but you will also learn from their failures and how they were faced. The principles
of life are no longer just an idea of theory, but are real and have
To discover how you can achieve the dream you have believed was
impossible for too long, read Getting
Personal: A Guide to Personal Development by John Patrick Hickey. You can get a signed copy for yourself and
get one for a friend, by going to Now available on Kindle, Oops! Did I Really Post That? Online
Etiquette in the Digital Age by John Patrick Hickey.
© 2016 John Patrick Hickey. No part of
this may be reprinted or published without permission of the author.
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