Standing Trial


"Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction."

2 Timothy 4:2


Before becoming a Christian at age twenty-four, I studied the occult for several years. After my conversion, I, like many new believers, told everyone I knew about my newfound faith. I got a call from a man who was my astrologer at the time who wanted to show me on my chart where my conversion happened and just how long it would last. I told him I did not want to know. I was young in my faith, and I knew I did not understand the word of God well enough to come against his teachings. I did not know much, but I did know I had to learn more.

A few years later, the Lord led me to join a local corps of the Salvation Army. I served under an old Brigadier who constantly questioned everything I believed. She drove me to search the Scriptures to back up my beliefs. I came to see the Brigadier (as she was lovingly known) as a gift from God. She taught me that it was not enough to know what I believed, but I needed to understand why.

The Apostle Paul took every opportunity to share the gospel whenever he could. It did not matter if it was in a friendly conversation, before an angry crowd in a message to a group of believers, or before a judge in court. He saw every event in life as a golden opportunity to share the gospel of Christ with the world.

Today we hear the gospel everywhere we go. It is on the radio, TV, movies, and mass crusades. However, rather than making us more informed about what we believe, the exposure has caused many Christians to be lazy and unlearned.

Ask yourself this: If asked what you believed and why, could you give an answer that would stand up in court? Do you know why you have chosen to follow Christ? Sadly, many do not. Because of this lack of understanding of the word of God, we see so much compromise in the Church today.

Rather than reading a few verses of Scripture every day, spend time studying the word. Knowing one verse of Scripture and what it means to your life is better than knowing an entire chapter that is nothing more than words.

I love the letters of Paul to Timothy. Paul encourages his young friend to know the Scriptures and study them. Scriptures are the foundation on which all of Timothy's work is based. He is told to be prepared. Are you prepared? If you are put on trial for your faith, can you explain why you are a Christian? Everything you need is right there in the Scriptures; you only need to seek it out.


You can learn more about Personal Development from the author and speaker, John Patrick Hickey. To get his books, training material, or book him to speak to your church, business, or group, visit our website:    © 2022 John Patrick Hickey. No part of this material may be reprinted or published without the author's written permission.



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