"Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.

No one comes to the Father except through me."

John 14:6


Christians are often accused of being narrow-minded. Sadly, this accusation often comes from the church itself. In an attempt to become "relevant" to the world we live in, some churches strive to be seeker-friendly. We water down the gospel so we do not offend anyone. We dismiss the word of God and say that everyone is welcome and you do not have to change your lifestyle at all. Christ indeed died for All; however, He never left anyone the same as He found them.

We must accept that the gospel is offensive to those who do not know God. We are not called to be a part of the world but to come out of the world. We are not rejecting anyone but showing them there is a better way. We serve a loving and compassionate God who gives us just what we need.

If we needed a wise man, God would have sent us a philosopher. But you say, "Jesus was a great philosopher." True, but there are many philosophers who have great wisdom. None can equal the wisdom of Jesus, but wisdom alone does not make His unique.

If we needed greater knowledge, God would have sent us a great teacher. But you say, "Jesus was a great teacher." True, but the world has known many great teachers. None who have taught with the authority and insight of Jesus, but His teaching did not make Him unique.

If we needed someone to lead and guide us, God would have sent us a leader. But you say, "Jesus was a great leader." True, but history has shown us many great leaders. None with the longevity of Jesus whose followers have suffered and died for Him for more than 2,000 years. However, it is not Jesus' leadership skills that made Him unique.

We are humans, broken and crippled by sin. So God sent us what we needed – a Saviour. In this, Jesus is totally unique. No philosopher, teacher, or leader died to pay for your sins and then rose from the dead to live for all eternity so you can have eternal life. This is what makes Jesus unique in all the world.

It is because Jesus has done what no one else has done nor could have done that He alone can say He is the only way to God. Jesus is God in the flesh who was willing to come to us in human form and live a sinless life (no one else was able to do that either), allow Himself to be mistreated and abused, and in the end nailed to a Roman cross to pay the price for your sins. It did not end there; after three days, He rose from the dead (all other tombs are occupied, but the one Jesus was buried in is empty) so you can spend eternity with Him.

The way may be narrow, and some may accuse us of having a narrow mind, but you cannot change the truth. Jesus warns us in Matthew 7:13-14 that the way is narrow and few will find it. Many will find the wide easy path that leads to destruction. Don't be in that crowd.

I have learned many lessons in my life, and I am not done yet. The greatest lesson by far is one I share with John Newton. John Newton (1725-1807) was a former slave trader who became a Christian. He became a clergyman, and it was John Newton who wrote the famous hymn Amazing Grace. At 72, I share the words of an aging Newton when he said, "Although my memory's fading, I remember two things very clearly: I am a great sinner, and Christ is a great Savior."


You can learn more about Personal Development from the author and speaker, John Patrick Hickey. To get his books, training material, or book him to speak to your church, business, or group, visit our website:    © 2022 John Patrick Hickey. No part of this material may be reprinted or published without the author's written permission.



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