“There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened.  To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.”  -- Jim Lovell

There is a difference between a successful person and a Success-Minded Person.  While many of us achieve success in several areas of life, we have not finished the race.  To me, we hit full success at the end of life.  If we have fulfilled our purpose, achieved our dreams, made the world better by our being here and are loved by others, we have succeeded.  Until that moment, however, there is always more to achieve, more to give and more to love.

Success-Minded People are those who have decided to take control of their life and to give their all to the fulfillment of their dreams.  They are the people who are always improving, learning and serving.  Success-Minded People know that even when a goal is reached, it is not the end.  As long as God gives them breath, they have something more to do.

Success-Minded People know that true success in life is not based on money, power or fame.  They understand that many of the most successful people in the world never make it to the pages of history books; some have little in the way of possessions; and are servants not masters.  What they do possess is the satisfaction of knowing that they have fulfilled their purpose and have given more than they have received in life.

Success-Minded People also know that success does have its rewards.  For some they are able to use their talents and skills to achieve great wealth, become a leader and change the world.  It all lies in the dreams they hold and their purpose for being.  The rewards are never the goal; they are the results of greater goals.

Success-Minded People understand that there are principles to success.  There are natural laws that must be followed if one is to be truly successful.  They understand that they must pursue wisdom and integrity at all times.  They know that there are basic fundamentals to success that cannot be avoided or by-passed.  They are trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent (Yes you have heard this list before.  It is the Boy Scout Law).

Success-Minded People have vision and are determined to achieve their dreams.  They are willing to pay the price of hard work and sacrifice to become the person they need to be in order to fulfill their dreams.  Their goals are clear and well defined; they know where they are going and have a plan to get there.

Success-Minded People maintain a positive and cheerful attitude.  They believe the best in people and in life.  They know that every problem has a solution and whatever they face can make them better in the end.  They possess the courage to reach beyond their abilities and to become better, stronger and more skilled.  They are not slaves to doubt or negative thinking and fear.

Success-Minded People seek to serve others.  They look for opportunities to be helpful and add value to everyone.  They are quick to encourage others to succeed and to give advice and direction when needed.  They are givers and are willing to do what they can to help those in need by giving of their time, talent or possessions.  They use wisdom in giving, always doing what is best for others in the end.

Success-Minded People are confident and believe in their dreams and the ability to achieve them.  They know that God has given them all the talent and ability they need to fulfill their purpose.  His call to them was with full intention to see it accomplished.  They trust God for the power, wisdom and knowledge to be the very best they can be, and use that to bring glory to God’s Name.

Success-Minded People know that they have much to learn and are constant students.  They know that life is one long classroom; and they have something to learn from every experience they have, every person they meet and everything they read, listen to or touch.  They take time for personal development and are willing to invest their time and money to become the best at what they do.

Success-Minded People are you and me.  If you are reading this, it tells me you want more in life.  You have a dream that is burning in your heart and you are doing your best to achieve it.  Success-Minded People know they are not alone, that others are on this journey and they we can all help each other to succeed.  Your success is as important to my success as mine is to yours.  Together we can do this and make the world a better place.

“Success is a journey, not a destination.  The doing is often more important than the outcome.” – Arthur Ashe

© Jack Hickey 2011


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