Four Road Block of Tomorrow That Stop Us Today

" Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree."
- Martin Luther
(1483-1546) Religious Reformer

"But what about tomorrow?"  This question is asked by so many who put off making plans because they don't know what will happen tomorrow.  The fact is, you will never know about tomorrow.  We can plan, expect and move toward tomorrow, but we never know for sure what tomorrow will bring.  Here is the big news: You cannot do anything in tomorrow - only today.

                The concern and worry about tomorrow has kept many from finding the success that awaits them today.  If we can get past the roadblocks that we face in the now we can move toward the success that awaits tomorrow.  Here are four common roadblocks that often bring people to a stop today, yet they are all based in tomorrow.

1)  The roadblock of negative input
                Negativity is as common as weeds in the garden.  And like weeds, they will overtake all that is good and beautiful if they are not removed.  Not controlled, but removed, pulled out, destroyed.  There are many sources of negative thinking that you must avoid.  Some will come from the people we are connected to, even those we love and that love us can be a constant source of negative thinking.  "You can't do that."  "You will never succeed.  You always fail."  "Don't be foolish.  Stick to what is sure and safe."  On and on it goes.  There is the news, and media of all kinds.  Even music, movies, TV and social media can be sources of negativity.

                The thing that every success-minded person must do is protect themselves from this on slot of negativity is keep positive.  Read and listen to positive and motivational things.  Being positive is not denying that bad things happen or that there is bad in the world, it is not allowing that bad to control you and choose your destiny.  To be positive is a deliberate act that you must choose for yourself.

2)  The roadblock of fear
                The fear of tomorrow has paralyzed far too many good people with great potential.  We fear what will happen and what could happen.  The thing is, they usually do not happen except in our own mind.  As Mark Twain noted, "I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened."

                Success-minded people are not to fear tomorrow but look forward to it with great expectation.  Can something bad or tragic happen?  Of course it can.  However, there is a difference in knowing that you will find solutions to problems, answers to questions, you will heal from hurts and be stronger from trials and living in the fear of uncertainty.  You cannot know what will happen to tomorrow, but you can know how you will respond to it - whatever it is.

3)  The roadblock of fatigue
                There are times when we feel beaten and afraid of what could happen.  The reality is, we are tired.  All people have one thing in common, we are human.  That means that we need food, water, air and rest.  Success-minded people have no trouble with the first three, but we can forget that rest is as important as food or water.  Productive people look at rest as a waste of time.  Nothing can be farther from the truth.  If you do not rest you will not have what it takes to succeed.  As coach Vince Lombardi said, "Fatigue makes cowards of us all."

                Be mindful to get plenty of sleep and rest when you feel tired.  This will allow you the energy you need to climb the hill of success.  I believe that one of the most productive thing you can do during the day to increase your output is to take a nap.  Resting for 15-30 minutes will do more for your ability to produce and think than anything else you can do.

4)  The roadblock of discouragement
                There is no getting around it, failure is discouraging.  When you try your best and come up short, or you are expecting some good results and it all falls through, it is discouraging.  The problem is not facing discouragement, the problem is allowing that discouragement to stop you in your tracks.  Success is hard work.  It sometimes does not go as we plan or hope it will.  Discouragement is a real part of daily life, but it is not the end.

                Success-minded people must learn to accept discouragement, push it aside and move on.  Okay, this time things did not work as planned.  Now let's look at what did not work, change it and try again.  Persistence is a great motivator.  When we decide to move on we change discouragement into encouragement.  We regain our feeling of confidence and strength and we are able to go on and achieve the success we seek.

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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