Four Keys That Unlock All Limitations

" Any person who selects a goal in life which can be fully achieved, has already
defined his own limitations."
- Cavett Robert
(1907-1997) Businessman/Speaker

We have all faced limitations in life.  For some it may be psychical limitations.  For others it may be educational, financial or personal.  In reality, most of the limitations we face are set in our own mind and really do not exist.  We think we cannot do things and therefore we don't.  This can also happen with success-minded people in goal setting.  They set a goal they know they can achieve in order that they will not fail.  The thing is, they do fail since they have set their own limitations and have not allow themselves to be excellent in all they do.

                To be extraordinary is to do what other, ordinary people, do not do.  To achieve goals that are beyond what you are capable of and to excel in what even you did not know you could.  Here are four keys that can unlock the limitations you have placed on yourself and allow you to be the extraordinary person you were created to be.

Key #1.  Unlock the impossible
                Walt Disney said, "It is fun to do the impossible."  Most of what he achieved in his life time was thought, by rational and reasonable people, to be impossible.  But he did it.  How?  Because he believed he could.  The first step to doing the impossible is to believe there is no impossible.  Everything thing we have around us now was once considered impossible.  Never allow the fact that something has not been done, that it is too big, or that you don't know where to start, stop you from going for the impossible.  Follow the instructions of Saint Francis of Assisi, " Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."

Key #2.  Unlock your abilities
                A goal is not worth the effort if it does not stretch you beyond what you thought you could do.  Set goals and have dreams that will take you to the limits of your abilities and then take one step beyond that.  None of us really know what we are capable of until we have reached the limits, and then we can go beyond.  All the great inventors and achievers were the most surprised of all people on their successes.  You can do far more than you think you can if you give yourself permission to do it.

Key #3.  Unlock the excitement
                If a goal is dull and uninspiring you will not do what is necessary to achieve it.  The passion for an exciting goal is the fire that drives us to do the extraordinary.  Keep your goal before you at all times.  Dream about it, look at pictures of it and be excited.  The more that a goal thrills you the more you will do to achieve it.  Look at your life as poet, Maya Angelou did her life, when she said, " My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style."

Key #4.  Unlock the rewards
                Some people like to say that they do not go after their goals for the rewards, but for the satisfaction of doing it.  That is true, but the rewards are nice too.  Wealth is never the purpose for achievement, but it is a wonderful reward of achievement.  What are the rewards that you can get for achieving your goal?  Keep them before you as well.  Rewards are what we earn from being excellent at what we do.  In the words of the great Sophie Tucker, "I've been rich and I've been poor.  Rich is better."

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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