You Gotta Keep Moving

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
- Will Rogers
(1879-1935) American Humorist

Few people are able to achieve one of their dreams in their life time.  Yet, William Penn Adair "Will" Rogers, born on November 4, 1879, got several in the short 55 years her had to work with.  Will Rogers was a comic, actor, stage performer, newspaper columnist, radio personality, political voice and aviator.  How was Rogers able to fulfill so many different dreams?  It was because to him it was one dream - the dream of living his life, his way.  And he did it well.
                Many times when I have asked people what they want to do in life, they feel like they need to pick one and let the other dreams go.  That is not the case.  You can do all you want to do and be all you want to be, you only have to be willing to exchange what you have for what you want.  Here are four things that you must be willing to exchange (not give up) to achieve your dreams.
Be Willing to Exchange Your Time
                There is no possession in your life that is more dear and costly than your time.  Once you spend it you can never get it back.  Each time you give your time to something, the payment is non-refundable.  Here is the tricky part, you have no choice but to spend it.  Seconds pass by no matter what you do.  Minutes turn to hours and hours turn to days and they are gone, never to be taken back.  The choice you do have is what you spend that time on.  Will it be sitting and wishing for a better life or actively pursuing that better life?  Will you spend your time hoping for greatness or spend it on being great?  It is all up to you, but you must choose - that you have no choice on.

Be Willing to Exchange Your Talents
                Success does not just happen out of nowhere.  Will Rogers was able to do so much because he had the talent, the will to learn more and the belief that nothing can stop him.  Find your strength - what you do better than anyone else - and build on it.  Don't believe the lie that you have no talent.  Everyone has things they are strong in.  It will always be the thing you love to do the most and feel the must fulfilled by doing.  Once you find it, work at it with all that is in you.  Build it up and become the best there is.  Don't worry about the money you will earn, the job you will have or the way you must market it.  All that comes, but first you have the have the goods - your talent.

Be Willing to Exchange Your Self-Centeredness
                We live in a time where people think of "me" first.  They are not willing to give of themselves, go without or sacrifice, even for their success.  Here is something that every success-minded person must accept: Life is not about you.  True success comes by what you can do for others, never because of what they can do for you.  Napoleon Hill, one of the top authorities on success that ever lived, said, "Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness."  Self is a very small universe and those who are trapped there never get very far in life.  It is those who live for the betterment of others who achieve their dreams and more.

Be Willing to Exchange Your Desire to Compromise
                Study the lives of successful people, be that Will Rogers or anyone, and you will see that they had a goal and nothing was going to deter them from it.  When people are willing to compromise the excellent for the good or the difficult for the easy, they never achieve the fullness of their dreams.  Know what you want.  See it clearly and build a passion for it.  Then, never allow anything to weaken or distract you from its full attainment.  It will take hard work, long hours and difficult choices to achieve the success you seek, however, it is worth every bit and more.  After all, it is your dreams that you are achieving and that is a great thing indeed.

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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