Victor not Victim

“Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory there is no survival.”  -- Sir Winston Churchill

One of my favorite figures in history is Sir Winston Churchill, former Prime Minister of Great Britain (1940-1945 & 1951-1955).  It is not just because he was a colorful character, or that he lead England through its most difficult time in history, or that he was a brilliant statesman, writer, artist and leader.  He was indeed all those things, but the thing that always attracted me was that he did not believe in or except defeat.  He was always a victor and never the victim.

Not that many years ago, here in America we saw our selves as victors.  We were the greatest power in the world, the wealthiest nation and the place of hope to all other people.  At some point (we can not get into details here but you can see when and how this happened if you study history) the seed was planted that we as a people were victims and were broken and needed help to get along.  No greater poison has been injected into the blood stream of America than victim hood.

I would like to take this time and tell you a truth.  This is a deep and powerful truth that when you plant it in your spirit it will counteract the poison of victim hood.  Listen closely and soak in every word.  You are not a victim!  You were created to be the victor and God Himself has made the way for that to happen.  Learn these truths and you will live a victorious life in every area, all the time, no matter what.  As Churchill said in the opening quote, “…without victory there is no survival.”

“We are called to be architects of the future not its victims.”  -- Richard Buckminster Fuller

1)     Victors are Persistent.
During England’s darkest day in World War II, Winston Churchill kept the people rallied and fighting because he helped them see that they would never give up.  On Oct. 29, 1941 Churchill was to give a speech at the Harrow School in England.  The students all looked forward to hear this great orator in person.  Winston Churchill stood to the podium and said, “Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, give in.  Never give in.  Never give in.” and he sat down.

When you are facing trials and battles in your life.  When you are feeling overwhelmed by problems and circumstances.  You must remember that to give in, to accept defeat is not an option.  The great Vince Lombardi said, “If you can accept losing, you can’t win.”  Most people are defeated before they even start because they have already accepted defeat as an option. 

Life is a battle for sure, but you are not a victim of life.  You have the power and the ability to win.  The fact that there are challenges out there is not a sign that things are against you, it is a sign that you are alive and in the game.  Robert H. Schuller wisely said, “If there exists no possibility of failure, then victory is meaningless.”   Do not give up.  Do not give in.  Victory is yours.

 “Victory is won not in miles but in inches.  Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.”  -- Louis L’Amour

2)     Victors Keep Fighting.
Does the fact that you know you are the victor mean you will never suffer a defeat.  Of course not.  We make mistakes, bad things do happen to good people, and life is full of the unexpected.  The victory is won by what you do with those defeats.  Remember, a defeat never makes you a victim.  Victims give up, victors keep fighting.  As Malcolm S. Forbes said, “Victory is sweetest when you’ve known defeat.”

It is amazing how quickly one can heal when they are determined to win.  You find the strength to get back up and get back in the game.  Victors do not allow circumstances or other people to define them.  They know who they are and nothing will shake the faith they have in the power to win.  Harvey S. Firestone, a victor himself, said, “Never be bullied into silence.  Never allow yourself to be made a victim.  Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.”

 “Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.”  -- George S. Patton

3)     Victors Share the Victory.
Victories are never won alone and should never be enjoyed alone.  Victors, having won their battle, go out and find others who are in the fight and come to their aid.  Not to rescue them, that is what victims expect.  Victims are always looking for a rescue, someone to win the fight for them.  They think it is not their fault that they are in this fight, so they should not have to win it themselves.  Victors will fight by your side and help you win the battle.  Richard Bach said, “If it’s never our fault, we can’t take responsibility for it.  If we can’t take responsibility for it, we’ll always be its victim.”

Victors do not make victims of others – ever!  Many a power hungry person has gone to the aid of those who believe that they are victims and offer help, “for their good” but not offer victory.  C.S. Lewis so wonderfully said, “Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.”  Victims are easy to control.  Oppressors take any hope of victory away from their victims so they can have the power over them.  This is not what a victor does.  Victory is not victory unless all are able to benefit from it. 

“You can stand tall without standing on someone.  You can be a victor without having victims.” – Harriet Woods

4)     Victors Refuse to be Victims.
Margaret Atwood put it clearly when she said, “This above all, to refuse to be a victim.”  My friend, if I can express to you my deepest desire for you it would be that you never, never, never allow yourself to be a victim.  And I do mean allow.  No one is made a victim.  We become victims when we give into to defeat and allow others to have power over us.  “But what about crimes, rape and other things in life we did not choose or deserve?” you ask.  I am not saying that we allow bad things to happen in life, I am saying you have the power to be victorious in the mist of it.

People are too quick to tell others that they are victims and they can do nothing about it.  It is often done in love and with a desire to bring comfort, but it only brings a sense of powerlessness.  Yes bad things happen, yes you do not deserve them, yes it is painful and frightening, but you can still win.  Do not allow those people and things that hurt you to have power over you.  You give them power when your life becomes dysfunctional and painful.  Stand tall, and know you are the victor here.  Look at those who would try to make you the victim and spit in their eye.  You have the power to be the victor.  Just refuse to be a victim.

“Don’t become a victim of yourself.  Forget about the thief waiting in the alley, what about the thief in your mind?” – Jim Rohn

© Jack Hickey 2010


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