Our Zombie Apocalypse

"When you cease to dream you cease to live."
- Malcolm S. Forbes
(1919-1990) Publisher

I will be the first to say the when it comes to social trends, I am a bit behind or out of the loop.  The current fascination with zombies is way beyond me.  You see it on TV, in movies, on Facebook and in every book store you go into.  What is it that captures the imaginations of the general public with the walking dead?  The truth is, the walking dead have been among us for years.  If anything, the problem is becoming worse and it is not a creation of fiction.

                The walking dead that I am talking of are those people who have lost or never discovered their dream.  They are the many millions who go from day to day, empty and without a fresh vision for life.  There is nothing to strive for or to achieve.  No risks are taken or choices made because of the foolish belief that the is safety in standing still.  All learning and personal growth has stopped and they are decaying inside from lack of use.  It is sad, and it is more frightening than a program about zombies could hope to be.

                Human beings are the only creatures who were created with the capacity to dream of greatness.  We have the ability to become more than we are, do more than we have done and discover that which has been hidden for centuries before.  Our life should be the scene of great adventure and excitement.  Never the empty drama of the dead coming to life only to still be the dead.

                Our dreams for something more, a purpose in the world is what keeps us alive.  Achievement of a worthwhile goal is what makes us want to live and frees us from all bandage and restriction.  Those who have the ability to dream are the super heroes of the day.  It is they who came in and save the planet from destruction.  Dreamers are the risk takers, adventurers, discovers and the creators of all that make this world better.

                Are you a dreamer of one of the walking dead?  If you are among the dead, life is there for you.  Has someone stolen your dream?  Take it back, it is always in your power to claim the dream.  Have you never felt that you had a dream?  It is there inside you waiting for you to give it life and it will give you power to achieve it.  You were created to live and to make a difference in this crazy world we live in.  The time has come to live once more.  Dream!

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at http://www.growthcenter.net or www.johnpatrickhickey.com.   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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