I Ain't Staying Here

"The first step towards success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in
which you first find yourself."
- Mark Caine

There is an old story of Colonel Harland Sanders, founder of the Kentucky Fried Chicken chain, who when he retired at 65 years old, got his first Social Security check and said, "I ain't living like this" and from there he started his own business.  The world is full of success stories of men and women who came to a moment in their lives where they made a decision that they "ain't" living like this.

                If you are young (or not) and you want a better life, isn't better to make that decision before you hit the end?  We do not have to come to the end of our rope in life before we make the changes needed to find success.  It is far better and wiser to purposely make the changes needed than to wait and be forced into it.

                There are really only two elements needed to start you down the road to personal achievement and success.  These are simple but absolute necessary to anyone who seeks to succeed in life.  They are to make a decision and to take action.

Make a Decision
                There are many people who have wanted and wished that they could achieve a dream in life but could never decide to do what was necessary to achieve it.  They go to their graves with, as Oliver Wendell Holms said, "The music still inside them."

                Here is an important fact to remember: Good decisions are always made quickly and changed slowly.  Bad decisions are made slowly and changed quickly.  People wait till they have all the facts or everything is right before they decide to move forward.  You will never have all the facts and it will never be all right.  Success comes only to those who are willing to step out into the dark and grab hold of it.

Take Action
                Nothing happens without taking action.  That is an undeniable fact.  If you want to achieve your dreams you have got to start doing something.  Success comes to those who not only take action but who take action right now and keep going.  Will you make mistakes?  Yes.  Will you have set backs?  Yes.  That is how we learn and grow.  The point is you are doing something.  The person who never makes a mistake or faces setbacks is the person who never does anything.

                You are a success-minded person.  You have a dream that will not go away.  You can achieve that dream and you can succeed if you choose to and take the action needed to make it happen.  Right now, before you do another thing, decide what you will do and get busy.  I am looking forward to your successful results.

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at http://www.growthcenter.net or www.johnpatrickhickey.com.   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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