Four Things to Change in Your Life Right Now

" Change rarely fails because it's too early.  It almost always fails because it's too late."
- Seth Godin

No one really likes change.  Life is so much easier when we can float along and not have to worry about doing things differently.  That is not how life, or success, works.  In the world of success-minded people, we know that the only thing that just floats along are dead fish.  Live fish swim upstream, fight the current and keep moving

                There are two problems that people who are seeking success face, one is the resistance to change and the other is putting change off till tomorrow.  We may know that we need to change to achieve the success we seek, but what we do not see is the urgency for the change.  The fact is, tomorrow never comes.  If you are to change things in your life to make you more successful, you must change them now.  Here are four things that you really have to change right away if you will move toward success.

1)  Change your perspectives
                "The comfort zone is the great enemy to creativity," said British actor Dan Stevens, "moving beyond it necessitates intuition, which in turn configures new perspectives and conquers fears."  If you want to succeed you must see success.  For many on the journey to achievement, they see the struggles and difficulties ahead.  It is good to be aware and prepared, but when that is all you see it creates fear and doubt, not preparedness.  Those who see a bright future are seldom disappointed.

2)  Change your attitude
                Keep your attitude positive and strong.  You do not have to be the smartest person in the room, but you should be the happiest, the most joyful and the most positive.  The great Zig Ziglar put is so nicely when he said, " Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will."  The person with the right attitude will always so farther than the negative person will, no matter what advantages the negative person has or what disadvantages the positive person has.

3)  Change your habits
                Your habits are a direct reflection of your character.  The person with bad habits will also have character issues to deal with.  Successful people know that bad habits can and will be a roadblock on your journey.  They steal your energy, your outlook and your will to succeed.  Success-minded people must establish good, healthy and wholesome habits in life.  You will move faster down the road to success when you do not have burdens dragging you down.

4)  Change your focus
                Keep your eyes on the prize and you will not fail.  Those who fail tend to see all the problems and lack of things we have in life.  Soon their lack becomes their focus and when we focus on our lack, we never move beyond it.  Who thinks of money more, the rich or the poor?  Study after study show that the poor think of money far more than the wealthy.  What the poor see is their lack and that focus keeps them in lack.  The wealthy see their abundance and they stay with their abundance.  We get what we keep focused on.

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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