Getting Lucky
"Every week, 77
percent of those who struggle financially play the lottery. Hardly anyone who is wealthy plays the
numbers. Wealthy people do not rely on
random good luck for their wealth.
They create their own
good luck."
- Tom Corley
Have you
ever looked at a successful person and said, "Man! Did they get lucky." The fact is, if they are successful, luck had
nothing to do with it. One of the most
successful women is show business, Lucille Ball, once very wisely said, "Luck?
I don't know anything about luck. I've never banked on it and I'm afraid of
people who do. Luck to me is something else: Hard work - and realizing what is
opportunity and what isn't."
I have know many people who, in
spite of the amount of advice given to them to the contrary, have looked to
luck to help them succeed. Not one -
without exception - ever succeeded in anything.
Luck will not get you a better job, make you wealthy, find you the
perfect partner in life or make your dreams come true. Luck will do nothing except make you feel
like the most unlucky person around.
Knowing this, where are you to go to find the success you seek?
Successful people have several
things in common. Here is a principle
that you need to understand before we look at some of the common qualities of
successful people: Success leaves clues.
Success is not a mystery or something that you need to discover in the
dark places of life. Success is the most
obvious thing in the world. How do you
discover success in any area of life?
Find people who have been successful and do what they do. You cannot fail.
Allow me to share with you just
three of the most common qualities of successful people. There are many, and as you start to look at
how people have achieved their success you will discover them for
yourself. Let's get you started with
#1 Successful people work hard
I remember many years ago
listening to a man give a presentation for a multi-level marketing business and
he said, "If you work the business in your spare time you will soon not
have to work at all." There are a
couple things wrong with this statement.
First, you have no spare time. We
all are given the same amount of time on this planet. To achieve success you need every moment of
it to use wisely, there will be none that you will consider spare. Second, successful people do not do what they
do so they can sit around and do nothing.
Important Note: Failures and those in poverty sit
around. Successful people and the
wealthy are busy building their successes in life. Lastly, successful people create their own
luck, they do not wait and wish for it to come to them. As the great American philosopher, Ralph
Waldo Emerson said, "Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect."
#2 Successful people seek contribution
more than wealth
There is this myth about
successful people, that they seek to become wealthy more than anything else. That is not the case. If you do a study on those who are wealthy
you will find that money does not drive then, what they make of themselves and
the world they live in does. In his book
Smartcuts, author Shane Snow said, "But I'm convinced that true
success has more to do with our becoming better people and building a better
world while we do these things than it does with the size of our bank
accounts." Another important
principle to remember: Wealth is the reward for successful hard
work, never the reason for it.
#3 Successful people never stop
I believe in personal
responsibility and not blaming other things and people for our failures in
life. However, I hold our education
system in this country responsible for creating a mentality of not
learning. How is that possible? Education is to create a hunger for learning
not an aversion to it - right? No that
is not true. Our education system has
become our own worst enemy. We are
taught what others believe what we should know, not what we need to know. We spend thousands of dollars to be taught
things we do not need and will never use in life. The best education is when you learn what you
need to know and will use on your journey to achievement. In the words of author Jim Rohn, "Formal
education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."
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