When it is Necessary to do the Impossible
My wife, Kate, loves movies. She especially loves SiFy movies. The other night we were relaxing after a busy
day and she asked if I wanted to watch the movie, The Martian staring Matt
Damon. I agreed, but really did not
care. I do not have the same passion for
movies as my wife. I will admit that it
was a great movie and I am very glad we watched it.
No need for a spoiler alert, I will
not give away anything about the movie you will not see in a preview. I will say this; it is a great story about
what a person can do when necessity demands the impossible. Of course it was fiction, however, fiction is
often one of the best ways to teach real life principles.
I can think of another event that
demanded people to do the impossible.
This one was not fiction and the hero of the story was very real
indeed. Our hero was Sir Winston
Churchill and the event was fighting the German advance during World War
II. Churchill was a great leader who was
able to help his people see that England was not fighting for a different
political belief, but were fighting for their very survival. Not winning was never an option. It was clearly win or they would not
survive. Churchill, in a speech given
before the House of Commons on May 13, 1940 he said, “Victory at all costs,
victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be;
for without victory, there is no survival.”
History has shown us over and over
again just how much a person can do when they are faced with no other option
but success. The lesson here is that
what we so easily see as impossible is really not impossible at all. It is hard and often takes everything that is
in us, however, victory is there for the one who never, never, never gives up.
I know that it is hard to compare the
achievement with our goals and dreams as a fight to the death. When put up against the battles of the world,
our simple issues are nothing but passing fancies that matter to no one but
us. I want to say this as clearly as I
can: That is a lie and you must not believe it!
Your goals and dreams do matter.
They matter more than you could ever imagine. Let me explain how.
We are all given a wonderful gift of
potential greatness. When I say
greatness I am not referring to fame, power or money. I mean that you – yes, you – can do great
things that just might change the world.
I have longed viewed every person I meet as just maybe being the one to
find the cure for cancer, or develop a way to make dirty water clean for
drinking, or discover new and better ways of communication, travel or production. Sounds crazy?
Well someone is going to do it, why not let that someone be you.
All great discoveries began with a
dream in someone’s heart and mind. All
the advancements for mankind that has ever happened, happened because someone
saw the impossible and could not accept it as so. They had to do what they could do, no matter
the cost. It was not selfish gain that
moved them on but rather the survival of their soul. They had to do it.
Never think that you and your dreams
just don’t matter. I know that we are
often told that and we live in a day when success is seen as something bad and
harmful. Success-minded people look
beyond the nonsense of those who would live lives in quiet desperation ad Henry
David Thoreau put it. Success-minded
people know that the world we live in is in desperate need and people’s lives
depend on that person, that man or woman, who has the courage and belief to do
the impossible.
Never give up and never give in. The world is desperate for a Churchill, Salk,
Edison or Curie who will pay the price so that others will enjoy the benefits
of their discoveries. It takes courage
to believe that you just may be the one God placed here for this moment in
time. It takes a willingness to work
hard and long to find the answers long hidden for others. It takes determination to face the many
failures in order to achieve the one success that will change it all. It takes you, and you’re not so important
dream to make the world a better and improve the lives for generations to
come. I believe in you! You can do it.
To discover how you can achieve the dream you have believed was
impossible for too long, read On The
Journey To Achievement by John Patrick Hickey. You can get a signed copy for yourself and
get one for a friend, by going to http://www.johnpatrickhickey.com/it-is-good-to-set-goals-better-to-achieve-then/. Now available on Kindle, Oops! Did I Really Post That? Online
Etiquette in the Digital Age by John Patrick Hickey.
© 2016 John Patrick Hickey. No part of
this may be reprinted or published without permission of the author.
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