Personal Development and a Healthy Garden

The following article is from the new book, Getting Personal: A Guide to Personal Development by author and speaker, John Patrick Hickey.  To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at  

I am an avid gardener. My garden is my place for thinking, peace and reflection. In short, my garden is my therapy. In the process of gardening, I have learned many lessons. One of the most important is this: things grow whether you want them to or not. Growth is part of the natural plan. Once something stops growing, it dies. But here is the catch: if you leave things alone, they will soon be out of control. Weeds grow as well as flowers and plants. If a garden is not well tended it will become unattractive and useless, and that which is good and lovely will
be the first things to die out.

If we are to have a lovely garden with healthy flowers and plants, we must tend to do. A lovely garden does not just happen: it takes deliberate work and a willingness to keep it throughout the entire season. If we stop or neglect our gardens even for a short time, weeds come in and
take over. So it is with our lives. The flowers of life are called character. Character, like flowers, grows in all of us. However, as you find in the garden, you have flowers and weeds all growing in the same plot.

The weeds of life are qualities like dishonesty, immorality, disloyalty, anger, hate and violence to name a few. Like weeds, the types are almost endless. And also like weeds, if we do not deliberately work to control them, these negative qualities will creep in and, before you know it, take over.

Good character, on the other hand, is something that demands to be cultivated, cared for and protected. If cared for, good character qualities will flourish and grow; if not, they will be overtaken and die out. Good character, which is the basis of personal growth, is a deliberate and thoughtful act.

Many people are under the illusion that we are all basically good, and that if we just do what we feel then we will be okay and become “good people”. Here is the reality: I hope this will not shock you, but humans are basically selfish and self-centered, and if left to their own devices will do wrong long before they do right. How do you think the world has always been in the mess we are in?

Don’t think that I have a low opinion of the human race, I do not. I just know that a short study of history will show you that it is not uncommon for people to do wrong; it is more uncommon for them to do right. People seldom make a decision to do wrong, but they always have to make a decision to do right. Wrong comes naturally, but right takes purposeful action to happen. So is there any hope for us to ever be better? Is mankind doomed to always fail and to do wrong? Not at all. The point I am trying to make is that you need to choose to be a better person. That is a wonderful thing. When we have the power of choice we have the greatest power in all the universe. You are not a slave to a lower nature: you have the power to become the very best you can be. The emanate psychologist and holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl put it his way, “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

To discover how you can achieve the dream you have believed was impossible for too long, read Getting Personal: A Guide to Personal Development by John Patrick Hickey.  You can get a signed copy for yourself and get one for a friend, by going to  Now available on Kindle, Oops! Did I Really Post That? Online Etiquette in the Digital Age by John Patrick Hickey.

© 2016 John Patrick Hickey. No part of this may be reprinted or published without permission of the author.


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