The Easy Road

You can learn more about Personal Development from author and speaker, John Patrick Hickey.  To get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at Be sure to sign up for the free membership and get even more tools to help you achieve you dreams.  

I know this sounds like a simple or odd question, however, I believe it is important.  Why do you think there are so many ordinary people around?  It is not just because we are all ordinary.  For one, I do not believe that is true.  There are many who have achieved extraordinary things in life.  So why do some succeed and others do not?  I think the answer is just as simple, they fail because they choose not to do anything to succeed.

                For some it may be a case of plain old laziness.  For others, it is just not being willing to put forth all the effort that it takes to succeed.  They want to get what doing nothing can bring them.  Here are four things that you can succeed at without having to do any work at all.

"It takes no effort to be ordinary.  Ordinary is not even a challenge. 
You can do nothing and be ordinary."
- Bernard Hopkins
American Boxing Champ

#1.  Do not stand out
                I have heard from people that they have not done extraordinary things in life simply because they did not want to stand out or gather attention.  That my friends, is just out and out foolishness.  People who are successful stand out not because they are prideful or desire to get attention.  Most are very humble people.  They stand out because they have succeeded at something.  They stand out because they have done what others would not do and therefore they are different than the crowd.  There is no honor in hiding and keeping your gift from the world.  The person who keep their talents and skills to themselves is not humble, they are selfish.

#2.  Never live out your dream
                We all have a dream.  It is something that you were born with.  I know that some have beaten it down so much it seems hard to find, but it is there.  The problem is never finding the dream, it is living the dream.  It takes no effort at all to sit back and go through life with, what Oliver Wendell Holmes called, "Having the music still inside them".  Every day, ordinary people die with nothing to show for the years they have lived on this planet.  What a waste of human potential.

#3.  Always fail in life
                We have become a society that takes pride in being a failure.  We allow others to take care of our needs.  We are told what to do, what to believe and how to feel.  Not only do we see no problem with this kind of thinking but we encourage it in others.  So many people go through life dead, only waiting for the moment they can be buried.  Failure takes no effort at all.  In fact, all you must do is give up and you are there.  Thomas Edison reminds us, "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."

#4.  Never leave a trace
                In Scouting, we have a badge boys can earn that is called, Leave No Trace.  The purpose is to help them understand that you should leave the woods just as you found them and leave no trace that you had been there.  In life, it is different.  No one should leave this life with no evidence that they have ever been here.  A successful life is one that is full of tracks left behind by a productive person.  For those who wish to do nothing you will leave nothing but space behind you.  A sad legacy if a legacy at all.

Personal development and the achievement of your dream will not happen on its own. It takes action and that action has to happen now. Click on the Free Membership button in the side bar and start your journey to achievement today!

© 2017 John Patrick Hickey. No part of this may be reprinted or published without permission of the author.


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