Maintaining a Good Account

You can learn more about Personal Development from author and speaker, John Patrick Hickey.  To get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at Be sure to sign up for the free membership and get even more tools to help you achieve you dreams.  

One of the principles you learn on the journey to achievement is that life is like a personal account.  Every day you either make a deposit or a withdraw.  If you make more deposits than withdraws, you have a full and successful life.  If you make more withdraws than deposits, you live in a constant state of overdraft.  Success-minded people must understand that there is no getting away from or changing this principle.  Every day, without fail, you must make the right deposits to your life account to be successful.

"Life is a process of accumulation.  We either accumulate the debt or the value,
the regret or the equity."
- Jim Rohn
(1930-2009) Author/Speaker

                I would like to point out four areas that influence our lives the most.  Whether we deposit or withdraw in these key areas will determine how successful, happy and fulfilled we are in life.

#1:  Your Attitude Account
                Attitude, like all main areas of life, is a choice.  You choose to be happy, pleasant and positive or you choose otherwise.  Your attitude does not depend on your problems, challenges, circumstances or station in life.  Whether you are young or old, rich or poor, strong or weak, you and you alone have full control of your attitude.  If you choose to be positive and to see life as a gift that you can enjoy, then that will be the reality you will live.  If you are mad all the time and feel you never succeed or are never happy, that will be your reality as well.  Start every day with a positive and excited attitude and you will find life is really a fun ride.

#2:  Your People Account
                How we treat people is one of the most important things we deal with every day.  Those who are unpleasant and rude will fine they have little real friends and that people will do little to help you.  However, those who are pleasant and cheerful to everyone they meet, are rich with friends and people who love and respect them.  They will also find that people are willing and eager to open doors of opportunity for them.  There is an old saying that some people make others happy when they come into a room and some make others happy when they leave the room.  Be in the first group.

#3:  Your Financial Account
                I am not only talking of your bank account here.  The truth is, how much money we have has little to do with our happiness or contentment in life.  It is our attitude about money that is important.  Success-minded people need to study what it means to gain and have wealth.  If I were to tell you to describe what a wealthy person is like I will wager that you will get it wrong.  People (who do not have wealth) think that wealthy people spend their time buying expensive things, being lazy and are nasty in general.  The reality is that wealthy people are wealthy because they have followed certain principles.  They save, not waste, their money.  They do not do foolish things with money like buy what they cannot afford, buy lottery tickets or hoard it.  They understand that one must be sensible with money, generous and respectful.  This is worth the time to consider.

#4:  Your Work Account
                How you feel about and apply work habits will determine if you will achieve your goals in life or not.  Nothing happens without hard work.  Hard work is not a punishment or something to look down on.  What makes successful people successful is that they are willing to work.  They welcome work and never avoid it.  People who are unwilling to work for what they want in life will never achieve their dreams.  They can blame it on the economy, other people or the job market, but failure comes down to one place - YOU.  There is and will always be work to do.         

Personal development and the achievement of your dream will not happen on its own. It takes action and that action has to happen now. Click on the Free Membership button in the side bar and start your journey to achievement today!

© 2017 John Patrick Hickey. No part of this may be reprinted or published without permission of the author.


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