Being A Worker

Why does work get such a bad rap?  People complain about work, avoid work and do as little work as possible.  Work is not a punishment nor is it the result of the fallen state of mankind.  Some people work very hard at doing as little work as possible.  Some work most of their lives for the possibility of not having to work again.  It is all a great mystery as to why we see common work as the enemy to ease and prosperity when it is work that brings them into being.

                Some people will do their best to avoid work simply because they are lazy.  They will spend hours doing nothing at all in hopes that someone will take care of them.  Sadly, that is what happens all too often.  It is the old story that those who work end up caring for those who do not.  Every day, hardworking Americans have their money taken from them - money they have earned - and have it given to lazy Americans who could work but do not.

                So why is it that some see work as a curse that should be avoided at all cost and some see it as a gift that blesses and completes their life?  It is not hard to see that it comes down to one important quality: attitude.  Those with a positive attitude see work as something to embrace and go after.  Those with a negative attitude see work as punishment and unnecessary.  Think about it, how many lazy people do you know that are upbeat and positive.  Not many if any at all. 

"One thing I never want to be accused of is not working."
- Don Shula

                I want to look at a few reasons why some welcome work and do all they can to make it part of their life.  Those who avoid work are not hard to figure out and therefore we do not have to use our time to exam them.  It is the person who desires work that we want to not only understand but to emulate.

Workers See That Work Brings More Than Money
                One reason that some people do not like to work is that they see work is nothing more than a paycheck.  Since it is far too easy to get money without the work, they opt to sit around and get paid for nothing.  Workers on the other hand see work as far more than a pay check.  Yes, work has a financial reward and for those who work hard, that reward can become very good.  However, workers gain much more from their daily tasks.  They gain a feeling of self-respect, confidence and self-sufficiency.  They know that they can take care of themselves and that what they have they earned.  Nothing is given to them but rather they have the great satisfaction of knowing what they have is truly theirs.

Workers Respect Themselves and Others
                Workers have the joy of self-respect.  I say joy because there is a great feeling that comes with knowing that you have contributed to the betterment of yourself and those around you.  Workers also tend to respect others and their efforts.  They take care of the things they have and will respect and care for the property of others as well.  When you earn your own way, you understand the value of things and what it took to gain them.  It is not hard to see the difference in how those who work care for themselves and what they own compared to those who do not.

Workers Find Fulfillment in Life
                Most workers are working to achieve a dream they have.  That dream is different for each person, but what they have in common is the fact they work for a purpose.  There is little in life that is more fulfilling than the achievement of one's dreams and goals.  It is great satisfaction to know what you can do anything if you are willing to work for it.  And workers are willing to work for their dreams.

Workers Seek a Better Life
                Those who work do so because they seek something better than what they have.  They may want a new home or others important possessions.  Some want to get their children a good education or to have enough money to do what they have always dreams of doing.  Whatever it is, it is always moving them forward and never back.  Each day offers them the opportunity to be better, to achieve more and to realize their dreams.  They have learned the principle put forth by American writer, Elbert Hubbard, "The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today."

                As I close please allow me to make something clear.  I know that there are those in our society who cannot work for many reasons.  Some need the help of others to survive and that is understandable.  You will find that the greatest givers are those who have earned what they must give.  No one is denying those in need what they need to live a good life.  However, the majority in this country on welfare are fully capable of working and simply choose not to.  This may seem hard to come down on them like this, but I believe it is more cruel and distasteful to allow people who could be productive and self-sufficient to become dependent on others to live. 

                Work is a gift and a blessing.  There is so much more here at stake than just money.  We will be a stronger, more moral and far better country when we have most people working rather than most of them dependent on a government that sees them as sheep rather than people. 

You can learn more about Personal Development from author and speaker, John Patrick Hickey.  To get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at Be sure to sign up for the free membership and get even more tools to help you achieve you dreams.  
© 2017 John Patrick Hickey. No part of this may be reprinted or published without permission of the author.


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