Have you
ever been through a difficult time in life and once you have passed it looked
back and wondered, “What was that all about?”
Several years ago, I went through a big change in my life and career. I did all that I knew I was to do and felt
great about my decision at the time. Not
long after I made my needed changes, the bottom seems to fall out of my
life. It was more emotional than
experiencing bad things happening to me, however, if you have been through a
difficult emotional time, you know how bad it can be. This experience lasted for about a year and
then things improved. Soon, I was my old
self, feeling positive and moving in a good direction.
I look back on that difficult
time, even today, and for the life of me,
I cannot see why I had to experience it.
There was nothing I can see that I could not have learned in a different
way. But I can say this, I learned (to
use the thoughts of C.S. Lewis) my God how I learned. Where I may not understand why I do understand that the lessons during
that time are burned into me forever.
"Experience: That most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn."
- C.S. Lewis
No one likes to be taught hard
lessons. Success-minded people believe
they are constant learners and look at every experience as a lesson. So why are some lessons harder to learn than
others? I will be very honest with you:
I do not know. But I do know this, once
these hard lessons are learned, we never need to repeat them. They not only make us better, they make us
wiser and less likely to need to go down that road again.
Remember that the lessons of
life’s experiences are there for a reason.
You will never experience anything needlessly. You may not always understand at the time,
and you may not always like it. However,
if you learn the lessons life has to offer, you will always accept it, even
welcome it. Our main goal as
success-minded people is not to achieve dreams, money or a better life, however, all are important and good. Our main goal is to become better
people. To be the best that you can
be. To develop character, integrity and
be honorable. Life will teach us many
things on our journey to achievement.
The greatest is to be the best person you were created to be. That my friend
is a hard lesson indeed.
You can learn more about Personal Development from author and speaker,
John Patrick Hickey. To get his books,
training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our
website at www.johnpatrickhickey.com.
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achieve your dreams.
© 2018 John Patrick
Hickey. No part of this may be reprinted or published without the permission of the author.
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