The Sacrifice Of Achievement

"Great achievement is usually bore of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness."
- Napoleon Hill
(1883-1970) Author

Selfishness is part of the fallen nature of mankind.  I know many will stand up and say, "That isn't true!  I'm not selfish at all."  Clam down and look around.  You will find people - in the name of unselfishness - yelling about income inequality, how unfair it is that some succeed and others do not, and that those who achieve things do it unethically.  That is all based in selfish thinking.  It is not selfishness that causes success but the criticize it.

                The fact is that in order for a person to succeed they must be willing to give.  I had someone once say to me, "I do not think the people are selfish, it's the business that is."  Let me remind you that the business is not a living and thinking thing.  People ARE the business and to say the business is bad is saying the people are bad.

                Answer me this, who employees people in this country?  Who is it that allows those who need care and help to receive it?  The government?  The government has no money of its own.  The government makes no money and it has nothing of its own to give.  All the government's money comes from people.  From successful people who make the jobs that make the money that the government so freely give away as if it was theirs to give.

                Without successful people, people who create wealth, there would be no charitable giving, churches would close due to lack of funding, there would be no welfare or assistance programs because there would be no money coming in as taxes to support it.  It is the producers of this nation that keep it going.  Next time someone wants to complain about income inequality they should think about what would happen is the money stopped.

                Successful people are the givers in this society.  They are the ones who have it to give.  However, their giving is not because they have to, it is because they are givers by nature.  Just as those who are takers tend to be takers by nature.  I am not talking about those who truly are in need and unable to do for themselves, that is who those who have give to.  But there are many who believe that they deserve part of what others make just because they have it.  That is true selfishness.

                Success is build on sacrifice.  It is the selfish of this world that try to feed off the success and hard work of the few.  Successful people should be honored and respected for their giving, not made a villainous foe and disrespected because they are successful.  Remember, when the selfish have their way we will all be on the same level, poor.  Allow the successful to achieve and they will bring others up with them.  It is just common sense, but then common sense is not so common any more.

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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