Today Is Your Day

"Wake up in anticipation something great is going to happen today."
- Brian Tracy
(1944- ) Author / Speaker

Let's say that you know for a fact that tomorrow, the greatest day in your life is about to happen.  Tomorrow you will achieve things you have desired and worked for most of your life.  Tomorrow you will have the things that you always dreamed of and even more.  Tomorrow was set to be the best celebration of you that anyone ever had.  Now, you go to bed tonight and have a deep and peaceful sleep.  How do you think you will wake up in the morning?

                Chance are you would not wake up on the wrong side of the bed.  You would bounce out of bed with a song in your heart and a smile on your face.  There would be excitement in your very soul as you got ready for this extraordinary day.  There would be a smile on your face that would be impossible to wipe off and you would be pleasant to every person you talked to.  No matter what the weather, what was on the news or if you burned the toast, you were happy and full of cheer.  Now ask yourself this, wouldn't that be a great way to feel every day?

                Think about it.  What made this morning so special?  At this point, nothing different has happened.  You got up in the same place and did the same things you do each morning.  The thing that was different was your attitude.  You felt great because you expected great things to happen.  So, the answer is easy, want to feel great every day?  Expect great things to happen.

                Here is the best part.  When we expect great things to happen, they do.  We get what we expect in life.  If you go around thinking that nothing will work for you, that people will do you wrong and everything you try will fail, guess what you will get.  Some of you know from experience that this is true.  On the other hand, if you expect the day to be great, full of surprises and achievements, guess what you will get?  That is how it works.

                This is not some pie-in-the-sky thinking that you get children to cheer up with.  This is reality and truth.  Don't believe it, try it.  I bet you tried the negative end of this already, and you know that is true.  Wouldn't you like to face the day with a glad heart?  Don't you think that the challenges and issues we face every day would be better if faces with a positive attitude?  Of course they will.

                I know that life is not always fair and that things happen that break our hearts and cause us pain, but those who have the benefit of a positive mindset have the ability to come back from setbacks better than when they went in. 

                Tomorrow is going to be your day!  Be ready for it and welcome it with all you have in you.  I promise, you will be even more excited about the day after that.

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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