Some things Should Not Fit Anymore

"Life asks us to make measurable progress in reasonable time.  That's why they make those fourth grade chairs so small - so you won't fit in them at age twenty-five."
- Jim Rohn
 (1930-2009) Author / Speaker

Life is about the passing of time.  Living is how you spend that time.  Change is the fuel that moves us through life.  If we do not change, we really do not live.  Yes, time still passes and life goes on, even for those who remain the same, but life is not always living and those who are trapped in their past never discover their future.
                I remember several years ago I had a chance to go see a singer who was one of my very favorites as I was growing up.  She had a perfect voice and I was looking forward to hearing her again.  The concert - musically - was great and it was good to hear her again.  However, as she spoke and shared her thoughts with the audience I soon realized she had not grown a bit in over thirty years.  That to me was very sad and made the whole experience disappointing.
                Abraham Lincoln once said, "I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday."  Success-minded people are always in learning mode.  There is never a time when you have learned it all, cannot improve or change your thinking.  Change is living and without it we become stagnate and useless.

                If you pay attention to the talk that goes on from politicians and business leaders, as well as those in ministry, education and law, you will soon discover who has moved on in life and who is stagnating in the past.  The sad thing is that many others suffer for the lack of vision and growth these people have.  Do not allow this to happen to you!

                We, as success-minded people, know the value of reading, learning and new ideas, however, we do not always allow these things to really change us.  Not that every ideas should be applied to our life.  There are a lot of very silly ideas out there.  However we do need to be constantly evaluating and processing the things we learn and using that which will make us better and tossing out that which will not.  Growth is a constant state of change and development.  We cannot afford to be the same today as we were yesterday.

                Allow me to encourage you to take time and look at your life.  Are you living or are you simply alive?  Are you different today than you were a week ago or a year ago, or even five years ago.  If the answer is no, you need to change your knowledge intake and grow.  The only thing stagnate water does is stink.  Water that is flowing and changing is fresh and nourishes all it comes in contact with.  Time for you to flow and grow and enjoy the change.

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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