Losing Without Failing
"He who refuses
to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed."
- William James
American Philosopher/Psychologist
We still
live in the land of opportunity. In
fact, we live in a world of opportunity.
We have more recourses, tools and capabilities than ever before. All that is needed to achieve dreams, make
new discoveries and change our world is there; with the exception of one key
element - you.
With all the wonderful things we
have at our disposal, still too many people believe it can't be done; or, it is
too much work; or, someone else is better able than I am. Forgive me for being blunt, but that is all
loser thinking. People who do not strive
to be their best are most of the time, lazy, frightened, weak and controlled by
others. This is not the way of
success-minded people.
As you look at your dreams,
remember this: People throughout history have achieved great and extraordinary
things living is a more oppressive society than you. People throughout history have done great and
extraordinary things with less resources than you have (think of the pyramids
and great cities built before machines).
People throughout history have educated themselves with less resources,
books and materials than you have. Now,
what is your excuse?
I do understand that there are
many forces around us that we must battle every day. Most are like a mosquito in the room. Small, persistent, annoying and demanding our
attention. These are the people and
things that tell us we cannot win, we should not win, that it is unfair for us
to win, and that to win we have to step on others. This negative messaging comes from our
schools, family, friends, entertainment, and even our government.
Here is the good news: You can
control this flow of negativity and swat the buzzing pests that fly around your
head. Allow me to give you three easy
tools or techniques that will help you stand strong and win in life.
#1 Change your focus
Stop listening to those who
would discourage and belittle you. Some
may be doing it "for your own good" but it is not good for you at
all. Keep away from these people as much
as possible. If you have to connect with
them (some are family) then do not discuss your dreams or plans with them. Surround yourself with positive people who
believe in you and your dreams. Find
those who breathe life into you and support you on the journey to success.
#2 Get to work
The best and surest way to
become strong and capable is to be active in the pursuit of your dreams. Get busy and do things that will move you
forward every day. Those who succeed
study all they need to know, experiment, take risks, apply what they know and
never stop. Success only comes through
hard work and solid commitment to the achievement of the goal. Most of all, success comes through
action. Nothing happens without taking
action. Do not sit around and wait for
the right time. The right time is always
right now. Get going.
#3 Believe
Believe in your purpose, that it
is divinely given and meaningful.
Believe that you can change the world for the better, even if it is in a
small way, you are still changing the whole world. Believe that you were created to do this, therefore
you cannot fail. This is your destiny
and worth all the effort, sacrifice and time it requires to achieve.
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