Personal Development and Good Relationships

The following article is from the new book, Getting Personal: A Guide to Personal Development by author and speaker, John Patrick Hickey.  To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at  

Part of personal development is learning how to communicate and get along with other people. After all, as Dr. John C. Maxwell says, “With the exception of one, the world is made up of other people.” You need the help of others to succeed in life. They, as well, need help from you as they achieve their dreams. None of us can make it alone, so relationships – good relationships – are vital to personal development.

We all have a mixture of people in our lives; some are helpful and some are not. The ideal goal of developing strong relationships is to remove all the negative or hurtful people from your life, but let’s face it: that is not going to happen. The real goal is to learn how to handle all our relationships and to build on the best, while managing those that are not so good.

Success-minded people recognize that not all relationships are the same. Not all require the same depth of commitment or energy to maintain. Some relationships last a life time, while others only a matter of days or even hours. Some relationships are totally committed to bringing joy and pleasure to another person, while others are very much self-focused and developed for personal gain. Nevertheless, all relationships require work and a willingness to understand others as much as we wish to be understood.

Personal development and the achievement of your dream will not happen on its own. It takes action and that action has to happen now. Click on the Free Membership button in the side bar and start your journey to achievement today!

© 2016 John Patrick Hickey. No part of this may be reprinted or published without permission of the author.


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