Finding Treasure
Okay. Here is a bit
of instruction that you will not get every day. At some point today, take some
time to laugh. You heard, right. Laugh till you cry. It will be one of the best
and healthiest things you can do for yourself. There is nothing so refreshing
than a good laugh. Comedian Milton Berle uses to say, “Laughter is an instant
Did you know that a
child will laugh over 300 times a day? The average adult only laughs 15 times.
What’s up with that? It isn’t that there is nothing to laugh at. The human race
is the funniest thing going. I think that God must sit in heaven and laugh
Himself silly, looking at us. Just go to the mall sometime and sit and watch
people. You will love it. And of course, laugh at yourself. The old proverb is,
“Blessed is he who can laugh at himself. He will never be without
“If love is the
treasure, laughter is the key.”
Yakov Smirnoff
Success-minded people
are people who like to laugh. That is why they do not live in depression or
discouragement. You cannot be happy and sad at the same time. Humorist Mark
Twain said, “Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” Laughter is
your weapon against the negative influences that are around you.
What do you do to
get a good laugh? Here are a few ideas:
• Read the comics or books by
• Watch funny movies
• Find a friend you like to laugh
with and spend time together
• Play with some kids – learn
from the experts on laughing
Charlie Chaplin
said, “A day without laughter is a day wasted.” I do not care what you do for
work or how your life is going; take time and do a bit of laughing. You will
feel better, and you will do better. Success-minded people know that a
workplace where laughter and cheerfulness are encouraged is a more productive
and better place to work. When people enjoy going to work and have fun with the
people they work with, they are more productive and call off work less.
So your assignment
for today is to laugh. Tell a joke, hear a joke, be a joke, whatever works for
you. Have some fun, and see if it does not change your day.
“A joyful heart makes
a cheerful face, but when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.”
Proverbs 15:13
You can learn more about Personal
Development from author and speaker, John Patrick Hickey. To get his books,
training material, or book him to speak to your church, business, or group,
visit our website at
© 2020 John Patrick Hickey. No part of this
may be reprinted or published without the permission
of the author.
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