The Greatest of All Human Powers

"I am not a product of my circumstances.  I am a product of my decisions."
- Stephen Covey
(1932-2012) Author / Speaker

Reasons for not achieving your dreams and finding success:
I do not have the education
The economy is too bad
There are no jobs
I am too old
I am too young
I do not have the support and help of others
It is too hard
It is too much work
The list can go on forever.  We have all heard them said by other.  Some may have said many of them yourself.  There is always an excuse, yes, even a good excuse, for not achieving success.  The timeless words of Benjamin Franklin tell it all: "He who is good at making excuses is good at very little else."

The reason for achieving success against all odds and every circumstance:
I choose to achieve.

                That is right, just one.  You can have thousands of reasons why you cannot do something, but you only need one reason to do it.  That is because you have chosen to.  There is no other power in the universe that is greater than the power of choice.  For the person who chooses to become extraordinary, there will be no stopping them.  No one can make the choice for you and no one can take it from you.

                Note author and psychologist Viktor Frankl, who spent year in a Nazi concentration camp (good excuse to give up) said, "Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."  I suggest that you write this quote down and put it where you can read it every day.

                You can do anything you dream to do if you choose to.  It will take hard work and determination to achieve your dream, after all it isn't magic, but you will succeed if you first choose to.  The power is in your hands.

                Never allow anyone or anything to steal your dreams.  God gave that dream to you along with the ability, talent and power to achieve it.  You can do this!

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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