Four Things That are Not Options

"Winners are not those who never fail but those who never quit!"
- Zig Ziglar
(1926-2012) Author

At no other time in human history have so many people had so many choices in life.  Go to the store for milk and you have six brands, five types of milk to choose from.  Want to watch TV?  You have over 100 + channels to look over.  No matter if it is food, entertainment, studies, clothes or cars, you have more options than anyone ever has had before.  However, for the success-minded person there are four areas that are not options open to you.

1)  You cannot accept negative thinking
                I know that some who are reading this are now saying, "Yah, yah, yah.  I know, positive thinking is good for you."  That is not what I am saying.  What you must understand is that negative thinking will kill you!  Nothing in this world, no person, circumstance or event will cause more damage to your plans for success than negative thinking will.  Negativity is like a fast growing cancer that eats you from the inside out.  It will stop all your progress, overcome you with laziness and in short, it will bring your journey to achievement to a standstill.

2)  You cannot accept discouragement
                On the road to success, discouragement is like a giant pot hole.  Not only is it a hazard, but it slows you down.  The greatest source of discouragement will come from other people, sometimes from those who love us the most.  Discouragement is hidden in a cloak of caring.  People worry that we might get hurt, disappointed or fail.  You really do not need a warning about that - it will all happen.  What we need are the people who will encourage us to get up and start again. 

3)  You cannot accept a lack of integrity
                The truly success-minded person knows that there is never a reason for dishonesty, disloyalty, or immorality.  Your character is the thing that keeps you going full speed toward success.  We know that you never really get away with anything wrong.  In the end it always gets you.  As Zig Ziglar always pointed out, "The foundation stones for a balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love and loyalty."

4)  You cannot accept quitting
                The bottom line is this: A success-minded person never, under any circumstances, ever quits.  No excuses.  No reasons.  No surrender.  When things get tough, you get tougher.  When you fail and fall down, you get us and move on.  It is the person who preservers that always wins the prize.  It is the person who never give up that goes up.  Simply put by the great coach, Vince Lombardi, "Winners never quite and quitters never win."

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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