Four Ways to Improve Your Vision

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."
- Henry David Thoreau
(1817-1862) Author

How's your vision?  I am not talking about your eye sight, I mean the vision you have for your life.  The development of our vision for life is not so far from our eye sight.  Some people have great vision and see things clearly.  Some need a bit of help from time to time to be sure they get everything.  Still others are close to, or completely blind.

                Success-minded people work to improve their vision and keep it sharp.  They keep their eyes open for opportunities and tend to see exactly what is before them.  Even so, we all need a bit of help from time to time.  Let me suggest four ways that you can help improve your vision.

1)  Know what you want
                Really the first step to clear vision is to know what it is you are looking at in the first place.  The person who does not know what they want will not know where to look.  So how do you decide what you want?  Ask yourself.  You are the only person who really knows what that dream is inside you that you desire more than anything.  Some people will look and look for what they want in life and really it is there before them all the time.  It is the old, "not seeing the forest for the trees" type of thinking.  Your destiny is not hidden from you and you do not have to solve some mystery to know what it is you want in life.

2)  Be positive and excited
                One problem people have when looking at what they want in life, is negative thinking.  They see their dream, they know it is what they really want, and think, "I never get what I want.  What's the use?"  That type of thinking will get you nowhere fast.  Be positive and know that if you have the dream, it was always meant to be yours.  I believe we were created to fulfill a purpose; that purpose is our dream.  Now if the Creator of the universe put that inside us, wouldn't He make a way to fulfill it?  If God is for you, you cannot fail!  There is nothing more positive than that.

3)  Seek it out
                I have had many people tell me, "I know what my dream is, I just do not know how to achieve it."  Then find out how.  Achieving a goal or a dream is not easy, and it was never meant to be.  You have to work for it, discover the way and make it happen.  Do not be caught up in the thinking that you cannot achieve things without someone helping of giving it to you.  You have the power to do this and to make a way.  I love the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson who said, "Do not go where the path may lead, go where there is no path and leave a trail."

4)  Go For It
                The greatest way to develop you vision, achieve your goals and make a difference is to just do it.  Go for it with all you have in you.  The way may be rough, you may fail now and them (I can guarantee that) and it will take time, but there is one thing that is for certain, you can do it!  Believe in yourself, trust in God and make it all happen.  The great author and businessman, W. Clement Stone give sound advice that you can follow every time: "No matter how careful you plan your goals they will never be more than pipe dreams unless you pursue them with gusto."

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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