The Three Big Keys to Being a Writer

" If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write."
- Martin Luther
(1483-1546) Religious Reformer

Once you have a book published a remarkable thing happens, people from everywhere want you to tell them how they can become a writer.  Some of these people have "tried" to write a book, but for some reason think that to be a writer you must first have a publisher.  Some come for advice thinking that you can get your publisher (if you have one) to publish their book too.  Some really do have a book in them waiting to come out and just need a bit of a push.

                I want to share with you three keys that are absolutely essential to writing a book.  Without them you will do nothing more than dream and wish.  With them, you will enjoy the great satisfaction of seeing your thoughts in the form of the printed word.

Big Key #1.  Write
                Some of the best advice I ever heard on being a writer came from Dr. John Maxwell at a seminar I attended.  During the Q&A he was asked, "How do you become a writer?"  Maxwell simply said, "You write."  When I am asked that question, the first thing I ask them is, "Are you writing?"  99.5% of the time the answer is, "No."  Writers write.  It is that simple and that important.  If you do not have a passion to sit down at the computer, typewriter or with a pen and paper and put your heart onto the paper, you are not, not will you be, a writer.

Big Key #2.  Write
                Writing is hard work.  Many who desire to be a writer think of some romantic idea that writing is easy and you enjoy the fame and money more than you do the process.  Writing - good writing - takes a long time, is very difficult to find the right words to express what you need to say and, in truth, have very little in the way of rewards.  If the process was easy everyone would do it.  It is not, again, it is hard work.  But for the one who truly is a writer, it is all you every want to do.  All the effort of writing melts away one you see the finished product.  I love the words of writer, Dorothy Parker who said, "I hate writing but I love having written."

Big Key #3.  Write
                Writing is a discipline and a habit.  A writer needs to write every day.  Even if it is just a few pages, it will establish a writing habit, hone your skills as a writer and allow you to build on your passion as a writer.  Writing is a craft that improves with the more you do it.  You do not write to be published or to gain fame and fortune (truth is, most writers get none of those things).  You write because you have something to say and writing is the best way you can say it.

                In short, writers write.  If you do not write, you are not a writer.  That is okay.  Not everyone is meant to be a writer.  However, if writing is your passion, your dream and something you must do, then do it.  No one can stop you from writing.  All the rest is just details.

To read more from John Patrick Hickey or to get his books, training and book him to speak to your church, business or group, visit our website at or   © 2014 John Patrick Hickey


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